Today is a very exciting day here at 365 Days of Baking!
And I’m very nervous!!
You all are going to be able to see me live, up close and personal.
Ok, maybe not “live” so to speak, but videotaped in action!
Because cherries are in season, I discovered a way to take the pit out of the cherry.
Yes, you can go to the store and buy a cherry pitter, but you can also save yourself some money by using an everyday item everyone has in their home.
I bet you have one in your drawer right now!
Just make sure you wash it first. 😉

I’m having heart palpitations introducing this to you. LOL!
Please understand that it isn’t the best video, so there’s room for improvement. It’s my first video tutorial and I was nervous. The only way is up now, right?
Of course, when you’re nervous and you have people watching you (all three of your children) you tend to mess up and what you’d like to have happen may not go according to plan.
But it’s here and you can see it.
Hopefully it will help you remove the pits from those wonderful fruits that are in season right now so that you can create the cherry recipes I’m sharing with you!
A very special thanks to my daughter for filming it! XOXO
Cherry Banana Bliss – 1 serving
1 cup fresh cherries, pitted and quartered
1 banana, sliced
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup crushed ice
In a blender or smoothie maker, combine cherries, banana, milk and ice.

Blend until smooth and well combined.
If desired, pour through a sieve to remove excess cherry skins.

I rate everything I make on a scale of 1-4 and this Cherry Banana Bliss Smoothie earned 3 1/2 rolling pins.
I have to tell you, and you may remember this, but I do NOT, repeat do NOT like bananas in my drinks, smoothies or otherwise.
I’ll eat them plain, and in baked goods, but I can’t stand them in drinks.
I was quite surprised when I took a taste of this baby.
And another, and another.
And before I knew it, the WHOLE smoothie was GONE!
Yes, I drank the whole thing all by myself, I did.
I wish I had made more.
The smoothie was nice and cold because of the ice (my daughter often complains I don’t make them cold enough), it was smooth because I had strained it and only had a few remaining skins (our blender isn’t the best for pulverizing fruits and such), and was so tasty that I may need to make this again tomorrow.
Just for ME!
Comments & Reviews
ooo, love cherries in smoothies 🙂
cool trick, Cherries are in season here too…YUM!