It’s Furry Friend Friday – Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder! I’m back this Friday to share pictures and updates on Logan, our Golden Retriever puppy. If you love Golden Retrievers, puppies or dogs in general then you’re going to enjoy following his antics each week. We’re resuming our posts after a loooong absence!
Wow, what a busy few months it’s been, friends!
I seriously can’t believe I haven’t shared any Logan updates with you in almost 4 months, but we’re baaack!!
And what a busy, busy 4 months it’s been!
If you’ve been following along on my Instagram – stories and/or posts, then you know that we moved from Arizona.
Yes, after nearly 17 years of living in the valley of the sun, we returned to our home state of Rhode Island and we couldn’t be happier.
Kurt and I decided to leave Arizona and return to our home state of Rhode Island because we missed our kids as well as other family members and friends who live in the area.
Back in 2002, we moved out to Anthem, AZ to raise our three kids in the sunshine and so that we could experience a new part of the country. Well, we did that and once the three of them left the nest, this mama bird missed them terribly.
Our oldest, Alex, is living in Berlin, Germany and our younger two, Emma and Cameron have an apartment together in Philadelphia. Combined with missing them, a yearning to be closer to the water which we grew up on and near along with wanting to experience a change of seasons again, Kurt and I decided to make the move.
Another impetus for our move was Kurt retiring as a chiropractor. After over 27 years in practice, and providing for our family I am thrilled to say he is now assisting me with 365 Days of Baking. He’s helping me with optimization, and he’ll also be writing some posts on health. Look for the first one in the upcoming weeks!
You can follow Logan the Golden Dog account on Instagram where you’ll see more pictures and adventures of our furry friend!
The week before we left, Cameron came out to visit us one last time and we went to Bartlett Lake. Logan loved the hike and retrieving sticks we’d throw into the water.
So, Kurt and I packed up some of our belongings (but gave MOST of them away), and left Arizona. Needless to say, it was a looong trip across the United States with Logan and Winnie, and a U-Haul trailer in tow.
We drove 40 hours+ (becasue of traffic and weather) in just 5 days. It was both mentally and physically challenging, but overall it went very well and we had no issues!
On the way, we were able to stop at Mary’s new home in Ohio. You might know her from her blog, Barefeet in the Kitchen.
We had become close friends while she was living about 20 minutes away from me in Arizona. So, I was very sad when she and her family moved a little more than a month before we did. I missed them like crazy (and still do!).
On our way out east, I told Kurt we HAD to go visit them, and it was one of THE best stops on the trip!
They have THE most beautiful home and every day I can’t wait to see what she posts from her front porch posts on Instagram.
Logan was VERY good on the car ride, as was Winnie.
We made frequent stops so they could get some exercise and do their business.
I even had Winnie in a harness and on a leash to make sure we wouldn’t lose her.
This was Logan’s “are we there yet?” look when we were somewhere on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
Another stop we made was in Philadelphia to see Emma and Cameron. My heart was SO full and seeing both of them just cemented the fact that we’d made the right decision to move back east.
You can follow all of Logan’s antics here on my Instagram, too! You’ll see what our Furry Friend Friday pup is up to each day.
We arrived at my in-law’s in Charlestown, RI the morning of March 11th, and one of the very first things we did was to take Logan down to the beach.
It was his first time seeing the ocean and he was a bit scared of the waves.
But over time he sure has grown to love it.
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Then after about a week and a half later, Logan experienced his first Rhode Island snow. He enjoyed doing zoomies around the yard as he has every other time he’s been in the snow.
We’ve since moved into a one bedroom apartment for the next year until we find a home of our own, but we’re still able to get to the beach and enjoy going on trail hikes around the state.
Now that we’re pretty much settled, you can look forward once again to our weekly posts.
I’ve found the the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder” to be so very true. We left the state of Rhode Island thinking we’d never return, but we’ve both grown to have such an appreciation for it because we’ve been away for so long.
It definitely made “coming home” that much sweeter.
Thanks so much for reading!
Comments & Reviews
Hi Lynne. This is my first time writing you. I have a Golden, Molly. She’s 3 years old. Live her to pieces but she is camera shy. Any time I hold up my phone, she turns her head away. I have a lot of pictures of her either sleeping or the back of her head. But I can’t stop taking her picture. I look forward in seeing pictures of Logan!
Love seeing/hearing about your adventures! I follow on IG of course but this filled in some gaps for me. The kids look amazing, so fun to see them all grown up. And my, Logan has grown from a pup into such a handsome dog! Looking forward to hearing more about it all! Much love my old friend!