Head on over to Groupon, to get a Barnes & Noble $20 gift card for only $10 that can be used both online and in-store! Here’s the link:
It says it will be up until February 6th, but hurry, these will sell out quickly! There is a limit of one per person.
Thanks Hip2Save
This morning I made Buttermilk Scones filled with Strawberry Jam. I’m not a big scone eater. They’ve always been a little too dry for me. So, maybe by making something I’m not too nuts about I’ll eat less of them. See, there is a method to my madness. This one is again from Baking with Julia written by Dorie Greenspan, publisher William Morrow and Co., Inc., ISBN: 0-688-14657-0, pg. 210. I had a choice of making them either triangular or rolled, but I chose the rolled so that they could be filled. Also, the recipe calls for buttermilk, but I didn’t have any on hand, so I made my own which is very easy to do. Pour one cup of milk into a measuring cup and add 1 tablespoon of either white vinegar or lemon juice. Mix together and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
Buttermilk Scones
*I have voluntarily deleted this recipe because I copied it before I had permission to do so from the publisher. I’ll will repost if I do receive the go-ahead. Until then, I’ve given the book information, an image and the link from the Amazon website.*
The dough rolled out and flattened.

The strawberry jam spread on half of the dough before being rolled.

This was the tricky part. First of all, I did not use all the ½ stick of melted butter nor the ¼ cup sugar (probably had 1 tablespoon of each leftover). I didn’t want to use all of the sugar because I figured the jam would be sweet enough with just a little. The challenge was in the rolling the whole thing together. As I rolled it, of course the jam started to migrate towards the side that was bare and when putting the two sides together, it was hard to close the seam because the jam was in the way. When I rolled the dough seam side down, I GENTLY rolled it a little like a rolling pin and that seemed to help. Then for some odd reason I had this vision of a sea cucumber pop into my head. I have no idea, not even relevant!
After being rolled and cut with seam side down.

Ready for the oven.

I ended up having a couple darker (not burnt) than I would have liked them. At the end of 12 minutes, some looked just about done, others not so much, so I left them in for another 2 minutes. Then, wouldn’t you know it, this unmistakable smell of burning strawberry jam wafted from the oven. Need a chisel to take that off the cookie sheets.
Ready to be enjoyed with a cup of tea. After all, isn’t that the English way? Remember, pinky up!

I’m finding that this baking exercise (hmm, that’s rather oxymoronic) has been therapeutic. I really enjoy the tactile experience of kneading and using my hands. And I’m actually getting them dirty, which for me is a big thing because I usually can’t stand the way that feels. It’s like the sand at the beach – I’m shivering just thinking about it. YUCK! I’m from the Ocean State and can’t stand the beach, nor the desert sand for that matter. Someone must have buried me in it as a child and I’ve been traumatized. Oh, and when it’s in my BEDSHEETS??!! Anyway, doing this is really making me focused and has a calming effect. Haha, I become one with the dough. I really am looking forward to what this year brings with this project. I think the best part though, is sharing the goodies.
It’s Friday! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend. Enjoy the Superbowl, and happy baking!
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