Here we are, 3, count them, I said THREE weeks to go!
I can’t believe it.
It seems so surreal.
I’ve never committed myself to anything this long.
Except my marriage.
Oh, yeah, and raising our kids.
And ok, jobs that I worked for numerous years.
But nothing else.
Yeah, three weeks. I’m excited.
I will be having a giveaway to celebrate, so make sure you come back for it!
Haven’t decided yet as to what it will be, but I’ll be sure to let you know.
A trip, a car, a new home?
I’m kidding, don’t get THAT excited!
I’m footin’ the bill for this celebration and as much as I adore each and everyone of you and am extremely grateful that you’ve been reading, I just can’t give you all the bells and whistles as much as I would TRULY love to.
But it will be something good.
I have to tell you if you haven’t already heard about it on my FB page this morning.
When Mr. 365 woke up this morning and came out to the kitchen, there was no “good morning”, or no morning kiss for his sweetie.
Instead he said, “Damn, I still can’t get over how good those rolls were yesterday!”
And he talked about them again tonight on the way home from the movie!
Yes, they were THAT good!
As I was driving away from the grocery store and pondering today’s purchase…
Don’t you ponder your grocery store purchases, think about what you’re feeding yourself and your family, friends, and the care you take to do the shopping and the preparation?
I don’t know what I’m saying, I can feel myself starting to get a little giddy.
Maybe it was from licking the cookie dough off the mixer.
Anyway, as I was driving away, I was thinking how very fortunate Mr. 365 is.
I mean, seriously.
Do you have ANY idea how LOW maintenance I am?
Well, you do if you know me.
I’m not like some women who have to have a lot of clothes, shoes or jewelry or purses even.
Don’t get me wrong, if he were to give me a gift of those things (which he never will – remember, we already discussed this about Valentine’s Day) I would GLADLY accept, but there not the things that do it for me.
Heck, I haven’t been shoe shopping in about 2 years and I cannot tell you the last time I bought some clothes.
One pair of jeans out of the three that I own is now so ripped that I can’t wear them out in public and my slippers have a big hole in the toe, too.
I also don’t want to go out and spend the money on stuff that I don’t think I necessarily NEED at this point in time.
FOOD on the other hand, now THAT’S a different story!
And I’m not talking going out to eat either. I love to do that and experience new places, but eating out or ordering in once a week is perfectly fine when I am completely capable of fixing our meals.
As I was driving away from the grocery store…
isn’t this like the third time I’ve said that?
Three seems to be the magic number for today.
*big, deep, booming voice*
This post was sponsored today by the number 3!
Memories of Sesame Street.
I was thinking how I would MUCH rather spend money on groceries and food to feed my family than purchasing a wire statue of a dog that would just sit gathering dust in my home.
That’s how this whole thing came up, I went by a home furnishing store which I’ll never go in, so the rather large wire/metal dog on display outside and thought about what else I could be using the money for.
Plain and simple.
The great thing about being the master of the kitchen and she who is in charge of the feedings is that whatever I am craving that day either for snack or for dinner is what we are having.
Maybe it comes from being an only child and wanting things done my way most of the time, but that’s how it is here.
Am I alone on this one or is this how it is at your house, too?
I was craving some cake batter today. I don’t know where it came from, I just was.
My daughter has been wanting some cookies, so let’s just combine the two, shall we?
I saw that Kim from Lovin’ From the Oven had made some, so here we go!
White Chocolate Cake Batter Cookies
*these cookies did not turn out as expected as you’ll see from the pictures below. I suggest you follow Kim’s recipe on her site.*
3/4 cup flour
1 1/4 cup Funfetti cake mix
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 cups white chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cake mix, baking soda and baking powder; set aside.
In a mixing bowl, cream together the butter and sugars until light and fluffy.

Add the egg, egg yolk and vanilla. Mix thoroughly.

Gradually add the flour mixture and mix well.

Place on cookie sheets about 2 inches apart by using rounded tablespoonfuls.

Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden.

Oh dear.
What the heck happened to these cookies??!!
Kim said that her cookies were too flat and she suggested increasing the amount of baking soda and adding a pinch of baking powder. Maybe my amounts were off.
These have to be the flattest cookies I’ve ever made.
Seems to me I made another really flat cookie during this baking excursion, but I can’t seem to remember what they were. Maybe the Junior Mint Cookies. But I think today’s were flatter, like negative flat.
But, just like the Junior Mints they tasted really good, but were awfully sweet.
I rate everything I bake on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the best and while I certainly can’t give these White Chocolate Cake Batter Cookies a 4, they earned a 2 1/2; the flavor was there, but the flatness didn’t do it for me.
I admit I was really disappointed that these didn’t work out.
But they’re still edible and made Mr. 365 happy. He was able to drink them, duh, no. He was able to EAT them with his glass of milk.
I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!
Comments & Reviews
3 weeks! woohoo 🙂 Great going, Lynne! Keep ’em coming! Too bad you were not happy with the cookies…