Day 340 – is really Sunday, February 12.
Yesterday, being Sunday, little did I realize that there would be a small window of opportunity for me to bake.
I woke up sore from our hike, so it took me a little while to get myself going in the morning. After putting a few loads of laundry in, I decided I’d get started on the baking.
Then it hit me. A wonderful opthalmic migraine hit me.
At first, I thought I was just “seeing” things, or rather, not seeing things, but then my eyesight started to get worse, and I knew if I didn’t nip this thing in the bud and take some Excedrin (yes, my medicine of choice, and no, this is not a paid endorsement) immediately, I’d be down for the count later.
These occur every 6 months or so and the doctor says it’s brought on by stress. It is similar to a migraine with the headache, but there areas in my field of vision that I absolutely cannot see.
I’ll put my hand up about a foot away from my face and I can see my thumb and part of my index finger and maybe the pinky, but the rest of my fingers are missing.
The first time this happened, it freaked me out because I was driving, but was able to go straight to my eye doctor’s office for him to tell me that, “Yes, Lynne, these are normal and no, you don’t have a brain tumor.”
Ok, but that was my first thought.
So this occurred in the morning yesterday and then the Excedrin started kicking in. It proceeded to get better and full vision was restored, but the headache lingered ever so slightly.
No biggie. It will go away.
Time to bake.
The other day this recipe popped into my head and I was dying to try it.
What if I mixed mashed potatoes with cheese and green onions, then rolled them in bread crumbs and BAKED them?
Oh, according to the internet I am not the first one to do this.
But I put it together anyway.
And just in time, too.
Because I was bombarded by a second opthalmic migraine.
Two in one day? This is a first. It’s always one and I’m done.
I think I was too worried about getting behind on all of these posts and it got the best of me.
So, instead of posting I went to bed. And here we are.
I will be putting the recipe up tomorrow, but wanted to fill you in and I’ll give you the pictures.

I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!
Comments & Reviews
Wow that is really scary sounding! I am certain I would think I had a brain tumor, too. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better, but hope that you don’t get that stressed over your posts again… we can wait!
Wow! I really hope you feel better soon, Lynne… and this thing doesn’t bother you again! Please take care of yourself and don’t worry so much about your posts… We’ll still be here when you get back after a good rest! Take care!
PS – LOVE these potato cheese balls… I think my daughter would too! Thanks for sharing 🙂