I’ve heard of this pie, but until I baked it today, had absolutely no idea of how it would taste.
I found the recipe on Homesick Texan.
It was strange because when I went on to her site to read the post, she has a picture of a recipe card. When I first saw it, it kind of took my breath away because it looked exactly like my grandmother’s handwriting. It was quite eery actually.
I must have quickly read through the beginning of the post where Lisa mentions her great-grandma’s name, but when I read it under the recipe card, I swear to you I thought my heart stopped for a second.
Ok, I know it didn’t actually stop, but sometimes there are these moments in life when some things seem to connect in the universe and you have a feeling that it’s all kind of surreal?
You have, haven’t you?
Well, don’t worry if you haven’t, you’re probably one of the sane ones and I’m just one of those freaks that this stuff happens to.
Weird that both her great-grandmother’s and my grandmother’s handwritings are exactly alike, but what is even more bizarre, is that they were both named…Blanche.
And I don’t think that name was too common back then, but I could be wrong.
Oooh, I got goosebumps again. It was like my grandmother was in the kitchen with me today. It was a little strange I tell ya.
I wish I could find one of her recipe cards and compare them.
So, I baked Lisa’s great-grandmother’s Buttermilk Pie, but I can’t post the recipe tonight or finish this post.
It will have to wait until tomorrow, but I just had to share that story.
Right now, I will be going to bed with pleasant memories dancing in my head of my grandma, Blanche, who was one of the best cooks I know. I learned a lot in her kitchen and cherish the moments I was able to spend with her.
I’ll be back tomorrow with the rest of it. Promise.
I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!
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