Thank you all for reading. I’ve been extremely busy since Christmas Eve, hence the lack of posts, but we’re back and it will be great to get this all going again.
Oh yeah, there’s still an oven that needs to be fixed. I’ll definitely be working on that tomorrow.
It will be wonderful to bake a full batch of cookies at one time instead of 3 or 4 at a time.
I don’t have pictures of the “process” because I accidentally left the SD card in the laptop my husband took to work.
I love eggnog this time of year and have been hearing of so many different recipes that it’s in.
Of course, I had to make something with it besides just drinking it.
We went NUTS when I made this Creme Brulee, so I really wanted to try it with the eggnog.
This recipe I adapted from Barber’s Dairy website and halved it.
Eggnog Creme Brulee – serves 3
3/4 cup eggnog
3/4 cup whole milk
1 tablespoon of sugar
3 eggs – 2 whole eggs and 1 yolk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon rum
light brown sugar for the top
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, combine eggnog and milk and heat to just boiling. Turn heat to low.
In an electric mixer, fitted with the whisk attachment, mix together the sugar, 2 whole eggs and 1 yolk til frothy and light.
Add the warm eggnog mixture to the frothy egg mixture by large spoonfuls so as not to curdle your eggs. Thoroughly combine.
Pour mixture through a strainer held over the previously used saucepan. Heat on low.
Continue heating until mixture thickens and coats the back of a wooden spoon.
Add vanilla and rum and mix. Remove from heat.
Evenly divide mixture between three ramekins.
Place in a baking dish large enough to hold them.
Pour enough hot water into baking dish so that it comes 2/3 up the sides of the ramekins.
Bake for about 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. The custard will be set, but the middles will still be wiggly.

Remove ramekins from baking dish and allow to cool slightly before placing them into the refrigerator to cool for at least 2 hours.
Sprinkle about 1-2 teaspoons of brown sugar and with a small hand torch, caramelize the brown sugar until it hardens. You can also use the broiler for this process.

Be careful not to burn, or it will end up looking like this:

The finished product… and only slightly burnt.

I rate everything I bake on a scale from 1-4 with 4 being the best and this Eggnog Creme Brulee earned 2 rolling pins.
It was creamy and yummy like a Creme Brulee, but definitely not as delicious as the one I made.
I thought it was just “ok”, not really anything exciting.
Alright, the burnt brown sugar didn’t taste that great either. I think a small amount of granulated sugar would have tasted better.
When you put too much sugar on top of the brulee, I’ve found that it tends to burn more easily instead of melting and then hardening. So use a minimal amount of brown sugar or go with the white sugar.
Thank you all for reading!
I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!
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