A BIG thank you to all of you who participated!It’s the
200th DAY!!!!!!!!!
And no, I’m not giving away a jar of Nutella,
but that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Have I told you that I’m addicted to Nutella?
I am, and it’s pretty bad.
If I don’t buy a jar of it, I’m fine, but if it’s in the pantry,
it’s ALL over.
I ate it for lunch the other day.
I’ve made Nutella Sour Cream Cookies, but don’t make those because they really weren’t very good.
Then it was the Salted Nutella Banana Muffins. Those were really good, especially with the coarse salt on the top!
And, a few weeks ago, Dana from Food For Thought did a guest post for me which became one of the most popular posts we’ve had here on 365. It was Nutella Pull Apart Bread! I have yet to make it, but it looks SO delicious and Dana did such a great job with it! Thanks again, Dana for that post!
This recipe is adapted from The Fannie Farmer Cookbook.
Nutella Coconut Bars – makes 16 bars
1/4 pound butter, room temperature
2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons flour, separated
1/2 cup Nutella
2 eggs
1 1/4 cups light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup coarsely chopped almonds
1 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
Preheat the oven to 350ºF.
Butter and flour an 8 X 8-inch square baking dish.
Cream the butter and add the confectioners’ sugar, the cup of flour, and blend.
Pat evenly into the prepared baking dish and bake for 15 minutes.

While the pastry is baking, beat the eggs, then add the brown sugar and the vanilla, beating until thick.
Mix the remaining two tablespoons of flour, salt, and baking powder together and add to the egg mixture, incorporating well.
Beat in the nuts and coconut.

Spread the Nutella over the baked pastry.

Cover with the nut and coconut mixture, spreading evenly.

Bake for 25 – 30 minutes.
Set baking dish on a wire rack and allow to cool completely.
Cut into bars.

These weren’t all that wonderful, actually.
The flavor was just ok.
I have to be honest, this review may be biased because I’m really not feeling the sweets today.
I think it may be the fever and cold I’ve come down with in celebration of the 200th day.
And they aren’t the kind of bars that stick together, you’d need to eat them with a fork.
That is if you’re going to eat them, or rather make them at all.
I’ll leave that up to you.
I rate everything I bake on a scale of 1-4 and these Nutella Coconut Bars earned 1 1/2 rolling pins. My daughter thought they earned a 2.
I think I’d rather have a cookie.
Which is a nice segue (seg-way, not se-goo which is how my brain tends to think that word is pronounced whenever I see it) into the GIVEAWAY for the 200th Day!!!
Remember the cookie cutter I used to make the Homemade Samoas for The Secret Recipe Club?

That cookie cutter holds a very special place in my heart.
It was my grandmother’s and she would always use it when she made her jam filled sugar cookies which I tried to recreate. I wasn’t too successful because I think the dough wasn’t rolled thin enough.
I have had quite a few comments and e-mails about that cookie cutter.
I am very happy to say that as a part of the Day 200 giveaway I am giving one lucky winner a very similar cookie cutter to call their very own!
And you’re not getting just the ONE, but 3 more vintage cookie cutters plus a metal scoop that I found at Jaanas Vintage on Etsy!!

I am so into this vintage kitchen stuff now because it brings back so many wonderful memories of being in Grandma’s kitchen.
I would LOVE for you to be able to add these to your kitchen because my cookie cutter means so much to me and now you will be able to create memories with yours!
And of course, if you’re going to be winning cookie cutters, you’re going to need some recipes to use them with!
The winner will also be receiving this Crazy About Cookies cookbook by Krystina Castella!

These items are from me personally. They have not been given to me to use in this promotion.
I will also open this up to my international readers so that everyone can participate!
*I will announce the winner on Wednesday’s post and you will have until Friday, Sept. 8th to contact me otherwise you will relinquish your prize and I will pick another lucky winner. I will then need you to e-mail me at lafbaker@gmail.com so that I have your shipping address.
Good luck everyone!!!
I so look forward to reading about your favorite kitchen memories.Also, I’d like to say a big thank you to Marla from Family Fresh Cooking for asking me to post my Secret Recipe Club Homemade Samoas to her Happy Post – Summer 2011: Recipes for Labor Day Weekend! She has many wonderful things that she’s made this summer and she’s asked other bloggers to post recipes or other things that have made them happy this summer. Go see!
It has been a happy summer!Happy baking!!
Comments & Reviews
Great recipe! Lately I’ve been loving all things coconut 🙂
A favorite kitchen memory of mine is cooking up a storm with my grandma, using my grandpa’s homegrown vegetables. They’re getting older and I realize I won’t have this opportunity forever, but I do cherish it while i can!
I remember baking with my Mom at Christmas time. Standing on a chair, mixing the batters, licking the beaters… I can’t wait to bake with my daughter.
Like you ON FB. I can never have too many cookie books!
I am already a follower! : )
What a unique giveaway. I adore that flower cutter!
My most fondest kitchen memory was preparing a turkey dinner. My daughter was kinda sad because she didn’t want us to eat the turkey. She was about 3 years old at the time. I “explained” to her that ‘My Turkey’ loves to be eaten and he also likes to be well seasoned and buttered up first. I had everything set out ready to go. I left out the kitchen to answer the phone. I was gone for no more then a minute. When I came back into the kitchen, what a sight! I found her standing up in a chair seasoning the turkey! “Trina, what are you doing,” I asked. She look at me with her big beautiful eyes and said proudly, “I want Mr Turkey to be happy too mama”….. All I could do was smile.
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My favorite memory was making my Grandmother’s (Mamama to most of North Kingstown) Chex Mix. Her recipe was far better than any bag mix. We used to bake it by the roaster pan full and everyone from the butcher to the mailman would get it for Christmas in a jar that we as grandchildren got to decorate. It was a weekend project and the only weekend that all 5 of the older grandkids got to stay together at our Grandmother’s house every year.
One of the best memories I have are the cook offs my husband coordinates. He gets all the kids to create recipes and has a judge(me) decide the best entry. Its total heaven:) in addition my kids are all learning the much neccesary skill of cooking for themselves.
Oh that would be going to Grandmas house. We would go there every summer. As soon as we got there, we would raid her kitchen for cookies that she left there for us. She would use the dutch butter cookie tins and have one type per tin. My favorite were her shortbread cookies! YUM
And yes, I follow you on facebook!!
My favorite memory of being in the kitchen is cooking with my grandma whenI was very little and I used to sleep over her house. We would start cooking early since she is an early riser (and so was I at the time), and cook all day until people arrived for dinner.
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Oh man…I have I no idea if I missed it or have 1 minute left. My favorite memory is actually when I made a sheperd’s pie and it turned out! I am not one too cook, and that was my first step. 🙂