First of all, I need to give a BIG baking shout out to our wonderful new followers here on the blog and on our FB page!
I am amazed that 365 Days of Baking is spreading as quickly as it is and I have all of you to thank for it. You are amazing and I thank you so very, very much for spreading the word and passing us onto your friends and family.
I love the comments I receive and even though I don’t respond to each of them personally, they mean a lot and I’m very grateful that you take the time to send me a note.
Thank you all so very much for reading, commenting on, Tweeting, “Like”ing, and Pinning 365 Days of Baking.
I am so humbled that you are all reading my little corner of the web and trying the recipes and enjoying them!
You rock my world and I love you.
So very, very much!
What a week it’s been, but it’s been so very, very wonderful.
Our daughter graduated high school last Friday and most of my husband’s family was able to fly in from Massachusetts and Rhode Island to spend it with us.
We were very blessed to have them spend this wonderful occasion with us and wished his brother and his family could have joined us as well.
Mr. 365’s sister and her family left on Saturday to complete the rest of their trip out west by heading to Sedona and then out to California.
On Sunday, my mother-in-law and her boyfriend went to Las Vegas for a few days and will be returning tomorrow night to stay with us for a few more days.
Yes, the company leaves over the weekend and I come down with a cold and fever.
At least it happened after everyone left. I would have been miserable if it had happened while everyone was here and especially during my daughter’s graduation.
I think I was just going so much before they arrived and while they were here that my body just literally crashed after they left – a definite sign to slow down.
Since I’m still not feeling “up to par” so to speak, I haven’t REALLY been in the kitchen the past few days. Throwing penne in a pot of boiling water and then covering it with some jarred Ragu doesn’t constitute a blog post to me. I’ll spare you details of our meager dinners.
I have baking on the brain, so I’m hoping to fire up the old oven tomorrow and take care of that.
In the meantime, here’s a round-up of some successful snacks (like the alliteration?) I’ve posted here on 365.
Enjoy them!
1. Baked Spiced Almonds – these were SO yummy!! I made them before we did a hike in the Grand Canyon and they were the perfect snack for our trip. They had the right amount of spice and were quite addicting. Hmmm…now I’m thinking I may be making some of those tomorrow, too!

2. How about making some of these Baked Cinnamon Apple Slices? These were so easy and such a great after-school snack. Even though school is over for us and nearly over in other parts of the country, you can still feel good about giving your kids a snack they’re sure to eat.

3. Another great idea for the kids are these Strawberry, Blueberry and Pomegranate Fruit Roll-Ups. I LOVED when I was younger and fruit snacks and fruit roll-ups came out. I couldn’t get enough of them. I liked these because they are much healthier than the store bought items. Instead of the pomegranate juice next time though I’m going to go with apple juice because I thought the pomegranate was just a bit too tart for my liking.

4. An extremely popular post here on 365 both because it was so easy and so very delicious was the Homemade Cheese Crackers. I have received multiple comments and e-mails from readers who absolutely loved these. I really do think they are better than the crackers in that big red box.

5. And finally, if you’re not into a cheese cracker, you can make these Homemade Wheat Crackers. These were good, but not nearly as good as the crackers above. It would be fun to experiment with the spices in the cracker to find the taste best suited to your liking.

Hope you enjoy the review. If you’re looking for more snacks, be sure to check out the Recipe Index.
I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!!
Comments & Reviews
Lynne, so glad you had a good time with the family! I love the almonds and the apples, will be trying both this week. Feel better soon my friend.
Ohhh, thanks for all the snacks tips!
You’re making me hungry… but that’s a good thing. =)
Hope you feel better soon!