Today was an extremely busy day and as much as I wanted to, I didn’t have time to bake anything.
The day was filled with a monumental and much needed cleaning of the house.
I was finally able to purge a lot of unnecessary papers crap that’s been overtaking our humble abode.
This stuff has accumulated because kids come home with papers from school, the mail comes into the house, the Wednesday and Sunday papers arrive, other various articles of wood pulp enter the 365 domicile, and it is all briefly looked at and then tossed to the side to be dealt with at a later date.
Does that date ever come?
I have good intentions of RSVPing to a college info. seminar offered to parents of high school seniors or using that coupon from Kohl’s that expired September 8th.
I also know that as I’m hastily removing them from my purse, the receipts I have been hoarding and am now throwing onto the hall counter will be organized at a later date, but at the moment.I can’t even find my car keys in all of this mess!
Does that date ever come?
I find that instead of properly disposing of things in a timely manner which would be to read it, deal with it and then throw it away, I find myself glancing at it, saving it and then when it comes time to REALLY deal with it, just find myself rearranging the stacks and stacks of paper.
Not a good system.
Examining this closely, I can definitely see how one can start down the path of hoarding.
It’s not a good feeling.
I know I will never be reality show material because I am able to toss the stuff.
But seriously, I cannot tell you how much CRAP I was able to get rid of today that was just sitting around.
Ok, and not sitting in plain view.
I have a tendency when I clean things up to just shove things into drawers or cupboards to make things look more presentable.
NOW I know where my children get it!
This is good, I feel like I’m having a therapy session and admitting an addiction.
Woo Hoo!
I am now motivated to go through that cupboard that I was stuffing with papers I-need-to-keep-but-I-don’t-know-where-to-put-right-now and completely organize them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear reader.
You’ve helped me immensely to both motivate and to heal me.
My name is Lynne, and I am a paper shover-out-of-the-way addict and I am now 7 minutes sober.
I see a life of organization, clarity, and cleanliness ahead of me.
I rejoice in that!
A cluttered home is a cluttered mind, and let me tell you, the husband doesn’t appreciate both of them too much, either. 😉
Well, at least I know this motivation will last me through tomorrow.
I’m being realistic here.
Also, later this afternoon and into tonight my daughter and I attended a college informational meeting and that was another reason for the lack of baking.
So, in lieu of a recipe, I give you a few to choose from.
Thanksgiving will soon be upon us and I have a couple items you may be interested in serving your guests.
The first is: Best-of-All Pecan Pie.

Next, we have Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake Tartlets.

Or, Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Cookies.

And finally, how about some Baked Spiced Almonds for those guest to munch on while they’re waiting for all of that glorious food to come to the table?

Make it a great day!
I’ll be back tomorrow!!
I give you all BIG baking hugs and muffins!
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