This was a big weekend here at 365 because we reached 1000 “Likes” on our Facebook page.
It’s pretty incredible and I’m very excited.
But most of all, I am completely grateful for all of the love and support I receive from each and every one of you. Most of you I have never even met, but I am so very grateful to have you here reading my blog and trying the recipes I make.
It completely warms my heart to know that you’re out there reading. I don’t know if I’d continue to do this if I wasn’t receiving your wonderful e-mails and comments.
I am an only child, but I still need people to talk to. Yes, I do have my family, but I know at times they are get sick of talking to me. 😉
There are lots and lots (and I do mean LOTS) of people I need to welcome on our FB page for joining us and for posting recipes. It’s been a wonderful celebration and so many people participated in the virtual 1000 fan celebration I hosted. It was so wonderful to see so many different people coming together to share their dishes and post their best wishes on reaching that milestone.
I am truly humbled with the immense love I’ve felt. It is absolutely amazing.
I’m going to get sappy here if I keep going, so I’ll move on to other things.
I have some recipes that I worked on which I’ll post this week, and tomorrow I will DEFINITELY be posting that recipe I thought I’d be sharing with you on Friday.
I didn’t post the smoothie I made for Smoothie Saturday because after I drank it, my tummy didn’t feel too good.
And I’m not going to share something with y’all if it didn’t sit well.
It tasted ok and I drank all of it, but just didn’t feel too good afterwards.
My younger daughter tasted it and didn’t like the combination AT ALL.
I’d made a Green Peanut Butter Smoothie with spinach and peanut butter.
Honestly, I thought it tasted ok. I’m not gonna lie and I think it was the peanut butter that upset my stomach because I don’t do too well with pb & j’s, either.
Oh well, next Saturday.
Tonight I want to revisit a dish I’ve been making ever since the kids were little.
It’s so easy, fun to eat and really delicious.
Pepperoni Bread.
This will be great to serve as a finger food at those hockey play-off parties or as a main dish with a salad on the side.
Your family will love it and it’s easy enough to make.
The kids will even have fun helping you put it together.
Unfortunately, I can’t get the pictures to load, so you’ll have to go WWAAYYYY back to Day 3.
Ok, really all you have to do is click on the “Pepperoni Bread” up above and it will take you there.
Enjoy! It’s one of our family favorites!
Thank you all for reading and stopping by! I love you!!
I give you BIG baking hugs and muffins!!
Comments & Reviews
WOO HOO!!! A THOUSAND!!! That is FANTASTIC!!! I am so happy for you!!!